A Guide to Prescription Sunglasses

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A Guide to Prescription Sunglasses

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A Guide to Prescription Sunglasses

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A Guide to Prescription Sunglasses

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A Guide to Prescription Sunglasses

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Sunny Summer days are linked to eye conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye, styles, and eye allergies. Prescription sunglasses can help protect your eyes and help you see clearly all while keeping you stylish.

Styles: There are many types of frame styles. From aviators to Wayfair's and from sporty frames to shields. Nearly all sunglass frames can be made as prescription glasses. Note that extreme wrap-around sunglasses may distort the vision.

Lens Options: Lens options include both photochromic tints and Transition Lenses. Transition lenses are clear indoors and become dark when going outside in the sunlight. Tinted lenses remain dark permanently whether indoors or outdoors.

Polarized lenses are a type of lens tint that reduces glare. This allows for more comfortable vision, increased contrast and clarity, increased color perception, and decreased eye strain.

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